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Bacon and business – The Sunday Snippet – [2.16.16]

Why breakfast meetings bring business.

Mornings can be busy and challenging. Commutes, kids, carpool, and simple fatigue or dread (if you’re not a morning person) can turn mornings into messes.small__4890875722

But breakfast can be an excellent time to do business. And there is some correlation to being a morning person and being successful.

I find breakfast meetings with clients and prospects to be motivating and exciting. Starting the day with a positive exchange of ideas helps me sail through the rest of it.

Here are a few benefits of a breakfast meeting:

  • Breakfast saves time. A location that is on the way to the office avoids a roundtrip later in the day.
  • Breakfast meetings are less likely to be cancelled. They begin before problems and pressures arise.
  • Eagerness and alertness. Once coffee starts flowing, people are energized by new ideas and actions.

Instead of a mad dash to the office, plan for breakfast meetings that get your day started right. After all, health experts do say it is the most important meal of the day. Why not start with a real meal, and make it pay as well?

Have a great week.

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