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Helping people prosper – how to be truly helpful

Here are the key elements to keeping people motivated and focused.
photo credit: michaelwm25 via photopincc
Maslow’s Hierarchy is famous for teaching us about our most basic needs of food, shelter, love and
esteem, but hundreds of modern studies now point to three universal psychological needs that are necessary for sustained success. Whether you’re motivating yourself or others, keep in mind that these three dynamics will get your farther, faster.
Autonomy is people’s need to have choices, and feel that what they are doing is of their own volition, and that they are the source of their own actions. Frame goals as essential information for success, rather than as accountability measures.
Relatedness is people’s need to feel connected to others, and to feel that they are contributing to something greater than themselves. Ask about values and find ways to connect people’s work to a noble purpose.
Competence is people’s need to feel effective at meeting every-day challenges and opportunities – to learn and grow. Make resources available and ask “What did you learn today? rather than “What did you achieve?”
Helping people prosper will always come back to you. If you’ve got big goals and big challenges ahead, explain them and frame them in terms of the above needs. Individuals and teams are unstoppable when they get the right psychological nourishment and support.
Have a great week.

Kindest regards,

P.S. Stop stressing about what to say and what to write. Simplify your marketing and sales tools. Make your customers and clients the centerpiece of your marketing. If you need help with your customer case studies and success stories, get in touch with us by replying to this email. We can set up a friendly phone call to discuss the possibilities. And feel free to share this note with others. If you’re not already on our list, please join us! You can sign up here.

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