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Try something – get going to get results

“The country needs and, unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it: If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
We need enthusiasm, imagination and the ability to face facts, even unpleasant ones, bravely…Yours is not the task of making your way in the world, but the task of remaking the world which you will find before you. May every one of us be granted the courage, the faith and the vision to give the best that is in us to that remaking!”

The third season of House of Cards, a critically-acclaimed original program from Netflix, was released early Friday morning and binge-watchers nationwide cheered wildly. If you haven’t heard of the program, it follows a fictitious, conniving, and corrupt politician, as he climbs the ranks of Congress.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

The Congressman, now President in this season, Francis Underwood (played by Kevin Spacey), used the quote from Franklin Roosevelt above in a new episode as he was stumping for his own New Deal program, and the quote jumped out at me as a universal one for any endeavor or setting whether it be politics or business.

Indecision, apathy, and analysis-paralysis can cripple progress. Roosevelt’s effectiveness often comes across as effortless in history books, but he was up against the same obstacles that many of us face daily in the form of nay-sayers and know-it-alls.

New ideas, methods, strategies and tactics are rarely embraced on the first pitch. The status quo is a powerful force. It’s hard to get people on board with new things.

Roosevelt knew it, and so he went about winning hearts, minds and bodies in stages and steps. He couldn’t expect widespread adoption of the New Deal, but he knew that the argument of “trying something” was a reasonable starting point.

Try something! 

As Roosevelt wisely, and persuasively points out: “If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

Have a great week.

Kindest regards,

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