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The power of a smile – The Sunday Snippet – [3.2.14]

Smiling is an easy way to lower stress and improve performance, plus the price is right.

If you remember the TV show Fantasy Island from the 70’s and 80’s, you probably recall Mr. Roarke’s famous line at the beginning of each show as new guests arrived at the island: “Smiles, everyone, smiles!”fantasy island

Mr. Roarke knew that the first rule of hospitality was to look happy. He and his smiling staff immediately put people at ease and helped place them in the right frame of mind for their adventure vacation.

Frowning, grimacing and glowering send a signal to your brain and to those around you that what you’re doing is difficult and unpleasant. That causes cortisol levels to rise and stress builds. This can be a big contributor to low performance and unhappiness.

On the other hand, smiling actually creates happiness and positivity all by itself.  The biofeedback of a smile immediately starts to create joy and lower stress levels. Yes, forcing a smile even when you don’t feel like it will improve your mood and outlook.

More than that, smiling is contagious and will improve the mindset of everyone around you.

Tough meetings? Difficult assignments? Uncomfortable conversations?

Smiling, when used at the right times and places, can make difficult times easier and lead to better outcomes.

So put a few extra smiles in your day, whether you feel like it or not. It doesn’t cost a thing, but the benefits are priceless.

Have a great week.

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