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When we do things matters.

There is a clear ebb and flow to the human day and it pays to be aware of it and plan accordingly.

Dan Pink’s latest book “When – The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing” has some fascinating research that backs this up.

Students do better with exams in the morning – their scores are better.

CEO’s do better on earnings calls in the morning. When transcripts were analyzed, research showed more negativity and irritability during afternoon earnings calls – and correlated with public stock losses and analyst downgrades.

And healthcare is better in the morning – surgery is safer, colonoscopies are more accurate, and doctor prescribing patterns are more appropriate with fewer unnecessary antibiotics ordered in the morning.

Pink says there is a Peak-Trough-Recovery pattern in all of us.

And it can be different depending on your chronotype. Some of us are “larks” (early risers) and some of us are “owls” (late risers.) But Pinks says most of us are what he calls “third birds” – somewhere in between.

Unless you’re a true owl (rising after 9a most likely) your Peak is typically the morning, your Trough is early afternoon and your early evening is Recovery. For owls the pattern is reversed.

Pink recommends that you sort your tasks for the day by time of the day, into these tree buckets: Analytic (Peak); Administrative (Trough); and Insight (Recovery.)

For Analytic Peak time, do those things that require focus, mental acuity, and attention to detail. You might audit a financial report, edit a contract or document, or create a detailed plan.

For Administrative Trough time, perhaps you do an expense report, answer short emails, or schedule meetings.

For Insight Recovery time, you may want to brainstorm, plan a creative campaign, or invent new products and services.

Pink makes one very important additional point: no matter what your pattern is, regular breaks are key to getting through any of these times. Step away from your desk. Meditate for 5 minutes. Take a walk around the block.

Be thoughtful about “when” if you want to live better, work smarter – and succeed.

Have a great week.

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